You may experience deep tugging and pinching sensations on the target area into the first 5 minutes of treatment. After each cooling cup has generated stable, but powerful cooling energy into your body, however, your session will gradually become more comfortable where you can partake in other activities.
The CLATUU Alpha can non-invasively freeze off significant fat from your double chin to the knees, thanks to the technology’s 360° Surround Cooling that provides body contouring like no other.
Cooling cups generate freezing temperatures into your stubborn fat. During treatment, crystallized fat cells start to die off and are processed as naturally as the salad you had for brunch.
Depending on the area targeted, your treatment should take up between 40-60 minutes. Rest assured, your doctor will carefully select which cooling times are optimal for a fully effective session.
may experience slight redness, bruising, and soreness after initial numbing in the target areas subside. Such adverse effects, however, shouldn’t prevent you from your daily routine.